Low-Carb Lobster Roll
Super yummy summer dish!
This is a very healthy alternative to a regular lobster roll. For those on program, or who are choosing a low-carb (and delicious) lifestyle, this recipe fits the bill. It is so full of flavor, you won’t miss the bread. Well, you might, but your scale and insulin levels won’t.
Asparagus & Crabmeat Frittata
Asparagus Crabmeat Frittata…one of my favorites!
99% of the recipes you’ll see are low carb and healthy. However, I may surprise you once in a while with a decadent recipe. Make and eat those at your own peril! LOL
It’s taken a while, but here I am!
For years I’ve wanted to have ONE place for folks to connect with me on the things that I’m most passionate about- helping others release unwanted weight, find the best skincare and makeup, and help revitalize relationships with others by communicating with them in their own “language”. So here we are. I hope that you will find valuable information on my page as it grows and develops. I look forward to being your guide on your journey to your best self…and the person who gets to determine that is YOU.